#4 Hashtags

We all know what a hashtag is, but are you using them enough?

 Niche down on your hashtags. Last time I looked, the hashtag #art had 577M posts. The hashtag #bayareaart had 152K posts, so your chances of being seen are better using the latter hashtag.

Use a combination of popular and less used hashtags for your niche.

I like to max out all 30 hashtags, I see each one as an opportunity to be discovered by people who really want to see my content. I place them in my comments section to be more discreet. You can do this by typing five periods, each with a line break after the period, which forces the comment to collapse and not look so long and obnoxious.

Keep a list of 30 hashtags for subjects related to your niche in your notes app, and copy and paste them in to your post quickly after you upload. For example, if I upload a vineyard painting, I will find my 'vineyard hashtag' list in my notes app, and copy and paste it in to my comments immediately.

Find relevant hashtags by typing in various subjects right in the Instagram app. It will help by making suggestions, and showing you how many people are following the hashtag.Type your subject in to the search bar, then tap 'tags' at the top, and it will list them all out for you.

With organic reach declining, it;s becoming more and more important to utilize hashtags to be seen. If you are going to go through all the work to make a beautifully crafted post, finish it off with a nice boost of maxed-out hashtags!

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